Saturday, September 25, 2010

Start breathing again...

I'm feeling blue. Heather Maschman said that when I feel blue, I should start breathing again. Why is it that when I feel sad, I listen to sad music? Doesn't that just compound the problem? Maybe I'm just trying to comfort myself that someone else is quite worse off than myself. Which is true. I can make an extensive list of people who are worse of than myself. Truth be told, I am very blessed and very happy.  But I do indulge myself in moments of lonliness. So may I propose a toast; let's all toast to life. A toast to the loniless that teaches us the delicious beauty of good company, the broken heart that teaches us to appreciate when hearts are full, to tears of disappointment that run down our cheeks which make us appreciate the lovely warmth of a blush of pleasure, and to the absence of arms around us that teaches us to walk by our own strength. A toast to life even in it's low spots, and a toast to God who in his infinate wisdom and mercy, has given travail to the sons of men, so that we will grow stronger by them.
And now what do we do? Well, I'll turn off the blue tunes and crank the Cowboy Troy. Maybe I'll go play chicken with a train... ;) I know I'll have to fake the happy, force the happy for a little while, but I'll be fooling everyone else, and soon it'll to the Hamlet thing: faked at first, then gradually it becomes true.
And in the meantime, I'll think of my favorite things. 1.Batman, my beautiful Arabian horse who never lost a race. 2. Papa Dan 3. Conquering the Wild West with Andy. 4. Off-roading in my jeep. 5. My sister Shannon, who gets my humor. 6. My best buddies, elders from my mish. 7. Dancing. 8. Pretty dresses that bounce as I walk. 9. White water rafting trips I get credit for. 10. Honestly, the Book of Mormon. I thank God for that book.
See there, I'm starting to breathe again.

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