Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Creation Myths

You know what I honestly think about Ancient Egyptian creation myths? I think they are a lot of phooey-- at least the Mesopotamians had their story more or less uniform (maybe thanks to cuniform hahahaha--sorry that was a super lame joke) but in Egypt we've got gods all over the place and gods spitting out new gods, and its never the same god if you get the story from another city. Sometimes god A created god B who spit out god C, but travel on down to Thebes and suddenly it was god C who preceded them all, and god B spit out god A. WHA?????????????  Who comes up with this stuff?!
Sorry, we were talking about Creation stories in my last class.
Regina Spektor's 'Dance Anthem of the 80's' should be called 'Dance Anthem of Meagan Quirk'. I have been rockin' to that tune all morning. Gotta love iTunes.
My sunglasses got broken sometime between yesterday at 2:00p and this morning at about 7:30a. LAME! I just bought these babies. I've got two wonderful words for ya'll... Super Glue. That'll solve my sunglasses woes.
Oh no, the professor just walked in which means class time is imminent.

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