Thursday, September 16, 2010

So it's gonna be one of THOSE days, huh? Well, alright then.

My belly hurts!!!! Probably from eating my roommates bread dough. Dough never sat well with me, really. Also probably because I failed to ASK for permission to eat the dough, so this is the natural consequence of theivery. Dang it. I do not enjoy feeling sick. The only good thing about being sick is when people find out you're sick, they are nice to you. Sometimes you even get chicken soup and ginger ale. I don't know that chicken soup or ginger ale have actually ever cured me of any disease, but it's not as if I'd ever object to them either. Who started this whole chicken soup business? Why don't we bring chocolate cake and Coca-cola? I will definately not be turnin' down me some chocolate cake and Coke. Just the sound of that is making me feel better.
'Gah, I feel so sick.' says Meagan
'Oh no, really?' says her friend
'Yeah. I think I'll throw my guts up and die.'  whines Meagan
'Well, dang. I was gonna invite you over for chocolate cake and Coke.' says her friend, smiling to himself because he read Meagan's blog and now knows how to bribe her and exactly how she'll react.
'Eh? What what? Chocolate cake? Coke? I suppose I might be able to manage the teensiest morsel.' says Meagan, not realizing she walked RIGHT INTO HIS PALM.
Now, in retrospect, I can see how this all happens. But at the time, I'm just walking along on my little sunbeam, temporarily forgetting about all the sneakiness in this world. That's sort of me in my natural state: happily walking to class, lost in my own little redheaded thoughts, oblivious to anyone around me who isn't fitting into my mental charade of movie-stardom.
Anyone ever read "The Color Code"? No, that is not like "The DaVinci Code". Well, if you have, I am a Yellow Blue. I'm guessing I'm 65% Yellow and 35% Blue. Anyhow, what that means is that I like fun. I am motivated by fun. "It'll be fun..." is the most tempting phrase on earth. I have gotten into a great deal of trouble on the grounds of fun and attempted fun. So worth it. :) You want to know why I chose to come to Earth after the great council in Heaven? No earthly trial = no progression = no more fun. You know why I don't want to go to Hell? Heaven sounds like more fun. Guess why I don't like to do bad things. Cause then I feel guilty, I feel bad. Feeling bad + feeling guilty = totally cramping the style of fun. Can't have fun when you're feeling guilty for being a jerk/ cheating on a test/ teasing nerds/ robbing a bank or whatever. You know, sometimes it's a bad thing, but it's really a good thing sometimes. Let's say that one night I wanted to have some fun, and going to the club with my sexy boyfriend sounded pretty tempting. Well, chances are I'd end up going. At first it would be fun. I'd be dancing with a guy who digs me and I'd be feelin' like a million bucks...but in about half an hour, I start feeling a little guilty. "Hmmm..." I wonder, "What is this very non-fun feeling? I think  it's coming from the blasting obsenities and scantily clad crowd. You, know, I suspect I am being bad. Hmm, so being bad = feeling bad = no fun. Time to bounce!!" By the way, there's a scripture about that. "Behold, I say unto you, wickedness never was happiness" Alma 41:10.  That, translated into Yellow, says "Behold, I say unto you, wickedness is a fun sucker."
I am so random.

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