Sunday, September 19, 2010

Praise God and Pass the Cherry Coke

"She just said Coke! I thought she was a Mormon!!"
She is. And she is enjoying her Cherry Coke right now. You know, I've come to the conclusion, that if I've got a Cherry Coke, I can conquer the world. Loads of homework from Professor Carter? Pound a Coke and see if that pile of papers doesn't look like downright FUN. Oh yeah Quantum Theory bring it. Oh yeah good-looking guy across the room from me bring it. Oh yeah ex-bf who I just found out is currently married to the chick he cheated on me with and is also currently attending the same school as me bring it. I got a Cherry Coke. What Now!!?? That's what I thought! Walk away, just walk away.
"Meagan... you are sounding a little rebellious again..."
Oh, I am not. I am sounding like a perfectly normal, intelligent human being who isn't over-obsessed with being one of those amazing plastic people with amazing plastic smiles and fake hearts and fake lives and fake devotion to God their Father. Okay, that was a little harsh. I'm a little quick to bite on that subject 'cause I've got this friend who looks pretty perfect. This person appears to have it all; we all know one. Good looking, got money, got a car, got members of the opposite sex all over them, loves church and goes to the temple all the time. I really like this person and want to be their friend. But I get the feeling all the time that this person judges me really harshly, judges everyone harshly. I hope I'm wrong. But the more I get to know this person, the more I think, 'Crap. You're not an amazing plastic person, are you?'
"Meagan... so you got problems. We all got problems. Enough of the problems, okay?"
Haha, okay deal. Wait, problems? You got problems, I got Cherry Coke.
Take that, amazing plastic people.

1 comment:

  1. Plastic people... Haven't heard that phrase in a long time. It makes sense... instead of paying with plastic, it's best to pay with cold hard cash.
