Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Allen's Sunrise Villiage

I live there. It is actually Men's Housing, but I managed to weasle my way in. Men are quite fun. But I must confess, men, you confuse me. You would prefer me to look pretty than plain, right? I was under that general impression. I like to dress up, and this morning I was careful to look very pretty, and I watched carefully to see how men treated me. Pretty well, they held a few doors and I caught the up-down glance a few times.  Then after class, I went home and took a long nap, woke up all tousled and flushed and my make-up slightly smeared. I yawned and trudged to the Library to do some homework. And oh boy, were the men nice, laud they were lovey-dovey. So here's the question, men-folk: You want me pretty or not?? You are all perfectly ridiculous. And there's one or two who I know perfectly well would like to ask me out. I know they won't. I can't fathom why. It's not as if I'd bite them. What's the WORST CASE SCENARIO?
"Hey, Megs, how'd you like to go to the movies with me?" asks the guy
"Hm, you mean like a date?"  asks me
"Well, yeah." says the guy
"Well, I gotta tell you, I'm interested in another guy/ not into dating right now" (Or whatever. With me, It'll always be honest, tactful as possible, and friendly.) "Can we go as friends? I'll buy my own ticket, and I'll pitch in for snacks."
That is the worst case scenario.
Best case scenario, I blush and say I'd love to.
This can't really be all that bad.
May I offer a little but of girl advice to you guys? If she's pretty and she smiles, do not be afraid. If she doesn't smile, be very afraid. It means she's snotty and mean. If she does smile, strike up a conversation. After ten minutes of talking, it is officially okay to say, "Hey, can I get your number?" and then call her two or three days later. When you call, don't be all awkward. Have a plan. i.e. 'I'm going to call Mimi and ask her hows shes been, if shes been really busy, and maybe how she likes her new apartment. When I've exhausted those subjects, I'll ask her if she'd like to go to the Hogi Yogi with me. (She's gonna say yes) So I'll pick her up at 6 on Friday. Then I'll say 'awsome, I'm excited' and then say 'Goodbye.' The End.' This is an example of a good plan. YOU JUST GOT YOURSELF A DATE. WITH A HOTTIE!!! Now go brag to all your buddies and tell them who's the man. Chances are, Mimi thinks you're the man, too. Chicks dig manly men. Mimi thinks that asking for her number was pretty bold. She's right.
"Dang," you may think, "I'm not tall and handsome and buff. Chicks don't dig me."
Well, only if you have an attitude like that. One of the BEST guys I ever dated didn't fit into the 'quarterback' kind of physique, but he was super manly. He was bold, he was smart, and dang he smelled good. And he had the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. My heart still flutters a little. !!! Yeah, you can flutter the ladies hearts too guys.
Dang, bed time. Perhaps I'll write more later. Or perhaps I'll just go to sleep and dream of bold guys who actually ask for my number, not just sit there for an hour trying to work up the nerve. Night! ;)

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