Wednesday, September 29, 2010

20% Highly Responisve

I like life on fast forward. Except for school on fast forward, 'cause all that is is classes periods that are twice as long as normal and so much homework that you'll never get it all done unless you get real creative.  But you know, I hate standing still. I'd much rather have too much on my plate than too little. If I don't have anything to do, I'll invent things to do. Sometimes I'll get a really good idea that ends up in the ruination of several minor European countries.
Gimme gimme more gimme more...
Oh, Britney. Such a good role model. Hit me baby one more time.
Today should keep me on my toes. FDSCI 101 until 12:15, then FDREL until 3:00 and then homework will easily take me until 7:30 when Hip Hop starts, and that'll run into Country Dancin' where I'll go teach Slannen to dance (and hopefully Darwin will be there to dance with me since he's one of the few guys who will actually DANCE with me... he's so much fun. Hooray for Darwin, who used to be Elder King, and that's how I know him. It's funny dancing with someone you used to know as a missionary). Then it'll be 10:00 and time to go home and get ready for bed since I'm trying to break myself of energy drinks and getting 3 hours of sleep is not the way to accomplish that goal. Energy drinks are pretty interesting.
(Just as a random side note, there are two people who I hate a lot. One is Natalie, I told you about her, and the other one is Erik, her bf. I hate them.)
Anyhow, energy drinks are both a godsend and a huge vice. They are getting me through these three-hour classes pretty well, and I'm getting better grades because if them, I am certain of it. If I'm not fighting just to stay awake, I can pay much better attention. More attention = better grades. I'm highly responsive to stimulants. And I don't mean just energy drinks. If you want a reaction from me, it's not overly-difficult to get it. Now, I may not show you what I'm thinking or feeling, but odds are in your favor if you wanted to make me so angry I'd like to punch your lights out, ya did. But here's the hard part. I won't. Well, sometimes I will. But not nearly as often as I'd like. So if I've ever socked you a good one, know that I've probably wanted to do that much more frequently.
You know, I'd like to take a poll. Who thinks I care too much...hang on... I was just about to take a poll from other people, to see if I care too much what other people think. Something is wrong with that picture.
I have this theory. You know how redheads are 20% more perceptive of pain than other people? Maybe that's my deal. I'm 20% more likely to deck you than most other people, possibly because I'm 20% more angered by your snide remark which hurt my feelings 20% more than you anticipated because you are a blonde/brunette so you don't know about this 20% thing. Logically this leads me to assume that someday I'll fall 20% more in love 20% faster than the average blonde/brunette 23 year old, to someone 20% better-looking than your average hottie.
Unfortunately experience leads me to want to place my money elsewhere. I never love nobody fully, always one foot on the ground. But, like I said, I'm highly responsive. Convince me. (I'm talking to you, Jeff Watkins!! Just kidding, just kidding...)

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