Saturday, September 18, 2010

My thoughts on the subject friends, boyfriends, exes and break-ups.

So, as most of you who read my blog are aware, I recently broke up. Even the best of break-ups SUCK, and this one wasn't the best kind. (Spoiler alert, this will not be a detailed account of Meagan's break-up, so if that's what you're after, today is not your lucky day.) But luckily for me, Tad (real name changed)  is a really great guy.
"If he's so great, why aren't you dating him, Meagan?"
Good question. Great question actually. I think that Tad sometimes thinks that I thought he wasn't good enough for me. That isn't true at all. It's not a matter of 'good enough'. Tad's certainly 'good enough'. But he's just not right for me. It's like when you're fixing to buy a horse. I'm a long-distance racer. I'm gonna be looking into Arabians, maybe Thoroughbreds, and a few other breeds can suprise you in their stamina. One day at a fair, I see this incredible Belgian. The most beautiful Belgian, perfect in every way it should be. I can't resist going over to give him a try. He's amazing. But the more I try him out, the more I know that he's not right for me. He's strong and lovable. But he can't run a 200 mile race, and I need a racer. Keeping him to myself is selfish, because out there somewhere is someone looking hard for the perfect Belgian. Doesn't mean he's not good enough. Doesn't mean I'd ever change a thing about him. He might be the finest Belgian in the state. But I'm looking for an Arabian. So now I'm off, looking for that perfect horse again, but that doesn't mean I'll forget that wonderful Belgian.
The real trouble some in the fact that people aren't like horses. Horses can love to a degree, can feel loyalty to a certain point, but people can feel it much more. The awful, tragic part is that when Meagan realized she wasn't looking for a 'Tad', she suddenly saw that Tad was looking for a 'Meagan'. (At least Tad is convinced he wants a Meagan. I still think he'd be better off if he at least gave try to a, oh... say... 'Kalie'. Ahem.)  And there is no easy way put of that. Trust me, I tried hard to find a way out that didn't involve Tad getting hurt.
So now we're 'friends from afar', as per his request, since being around me is no longer healthy for him, he says. I hold out for the hope that we can be friends again one day. We started out as friends, after all. Who thinks that's possible? Can you go back to being 'just friends'? I always thought you could. I can't think of a single ex who I wouldn't love to give a big hug to if I saw them again, just as a good friend. (w/ the exeption of the one who is currently in the pen
Can guys and girls be 'just friends' at all, in reality? I've been called naive for this one, too. To my guy friends: are we legit friends, buddies, pals, or are the other reasons that we hang, that you've got my back? You secretly been givin' me the sneaky up-down look? Hahaha, no that thought is just too ridiculous. Well, maybe Skylar Nance has, but that's all. Just kidding, Skylar. Just playing.


  1. I love your analogy. I can relate to it too, good work :).

  2. Oddly enough, that does make perfect sense. Good work.
    A word in "Tad's" defense, if broken up with by a girl that you are having serious thoughts about, it can be painful just seeing that person. It can't really be helped, nor can she be blamed for it. That's just the emotion that comes with the brake up. I kinda went through the same thing a few months ago. Anyway, not talking about that.
    After some time though, I am sure you will be good friends : )

  3. Thanks, Maria.
    And you're right Andy. As ususal. :)
