Sunday, October 10, 2010

Why my Jeep looks like the Creature from the Black Lagoon.


I love going to the Ice Caves. It is glorious fun even before you get to the actual caves. It's non-stop fun Indiana Jones adventure from the minute you turn off the main road onto the dirt road. As David and Paige know, driving on that road scares me to death. Last time I nearly killed myself and my Jeep!  You know you doin' something wrong when you nearly kill a Jeep. Fortunately for me, I have a friend named Nathan (first one in the pic) who is a really good driver. So I always recruit him when I feel the need for an excursion out there. It rained recently, so the road was filled with puddles and muddy pools which we crashed and jostled and thundered through. We'd hit a puddle and mud/dirty water would spray up the sides of the Jeep like ocean waves when they hit the surf. I couldn't stop smiling and laughing out loud. Then the ride is over, and you have arrived at the Cave!! It was the first time for Alex's Friend (sorry friend! I forgot your name. I'll make up a new one for you. George, how's George?) and it's always fun with a first timer. George and Alex and second and third in the picture. Next time I go out there, I'll bring glow-sticks and we'll use those instead of flashlights. But we'll take them out with us and not leave our trash all over the cave unlike some jerks. Leave No Trace!!

You can't tell too well in this pic, but this is where the cave drops and you have to climb around a big ice pyramid. Some kind soul put a rope there so you can easy yourself down and not die. It is great fun.

And this is at the eld of the cave. It's a steep little hill of ice that you can climb up and slide down. It makes for a glorious good time. You have to stop yourself at the end though, or you'll slide right into a little pool of ice-cold flithy cave water.

Alex, you look like you're on drugs.

At one point Alex and Nathan decided it would be so funny to attack poor little Meagan. Even George turned against me, taking pictures of my sad fate. Only Ben was the kind one who did not try to kill. me. Ben is in the back of this picture, and in the back of the first picture. Eventually I escaped.

Then came to ride back to civilization. It was very much like the first, except for one part when we decided it was a good idea to try and drive up a sheer cliff face. We discovered that was not a wise decision.

But we lived.

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