Sunday, October 3, 2010

Bring it

I'm going to get so teased for this one. I can deal with that.
So now the 180th Semi-Annual General Conference is over. It was a great one!! I loved to hear from everyone, especially President Eyring and President Uchtdorf. I remember as a little little girl looking at a picture of President Eyring as the newest member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and thinking to myself, 'He looks nice. I like him.' and I've had an affinity for him ever since. Same thing with elder Uchtdorf~ the minute I laid eyes on him, I thought, 'I like him.' So you can imagine how happy I was when President Monson called them to the First Presidency.
They both gave great sermons. Pres. Uchtdorf made me laugh so hard with his 'what does that have to do with flying an airplane?' joke. And it was interesting to me, because he started off with an analogy about tree rings. In school I have an Environmental Stewarship class and we learned about tree rings and tree cores recently. But the best talk (okay, my favorite talk) of Conference was Elder Holland's sermon on Saturday Morning. It really almost moved me to tears. I don't do that a lot. I hate it when people judge how 'spiritual' you are by how much you cry during sacrament meeting, so I try to err on the side of Scrooge rather than the former. Not that I think crying is a sure sign of weakness; look at Pres. Eyring. He tears up frequently. Anyhow, I was very affected by what Elder Holland said. He really put a lot of things into perspective. I felt like he was talking right to me. One really amazing thing about Conference is how the Holy Ghost can bear witness to you about things very personal during the sermons. I have so much peace in my heart about my mission and my second Mission President, President Kunz, with whom I've had a hard time being reconciled with because of some differences. And I am so grateful for my excellent parents, with whom I do not always see eye to eye, but whom I recognize gave it all they've got.
And then there was Elder Christofferson's talk about Consecration (amazing) President Uchtdorf's on Simplicity, President Eyring's on Trust in God, and Elder Mervyn Arnold's on the Name of Christ which I cannot wait for the Ensign to come out and to go through again.
Okay, family. Go ahead and heckle me and tell me I'm Molly Mormon. What's so bad about that anyways?

1 comment:

  1. Just wait till you read the Priesthood session, in which Presidents Eyring and Uchtdorf both gave amazing talks. That session's always the best!
