Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Back at Badger

Remember those two idiots I told you about who I can't stand? Yep. Still true.
THANK HEAVEN I am going back to NV for Halloween. I couldn't bear it if I had Halloween here...
I can't wait to see Ryan, to help decorate the house for the big Monster Mash and dress my sisters up and take my little cousins trick-or-treating. I can't wait to start baking cookies to decorate, carve my jack-o-lantern, tell scary stories on the porch, and listen to Mystery Theater on the radio. It's going to be great.
But you know, before I go looking into the future and saying how great it will be then, maybe I should remember how great it really is now.
Yesterday I had a kinda hard day. It sucked, let's be honest. I ended up in the LC (my classroom kinda place... it's all very woodsy out here) crying like an idiot for half an hour. The day started out good, there was a pretty, light frosting of snow and I was SO HAPPY to be back out here in my beloved mountains. I woke up smiling, happy to be in my warm, cozy bunk, and happily I slipped on my woolen socks to tiptoe down the stairs to see if Scott was making breakfast yet. Nope, not yet. So I went back upstairs, and, remembering that Priscilla had never seen snow before, I told her to look out the window. She was so excited she started jumping and shouting, and woke everyone up. There were a few grouches from that episode, but mostly we were all cheerful. After breakfast we had a challenge to complete called Proudy's Landing. We had to swing on a rope over a barrier and onto a small platform, and fit all 18 of us on the platform. Well, we failed and we triumphed. We discovered after some trial that it was physically impossible to swing and fit us all on the platform. We managed to all fit onto the platform, but not by swinging onto it. My main goal was to make sure that everyone had a successful swing onto the platform. I knew that others would argue and buffalo about how to fit us all onto the platform, so I'd just keep out of that circus, and see to it that everyone got across. My good friend Emily was kinda nervous about it. I can relate to the nervousness she must've felt, doubts about not being strong enough to make it to the platform and looking foolish or letting everyone down. She really didn't want to do it; but I knew this was about more than a silly challenge on a ropes course. It was about how Emily viewed her ability, and how she'd feel about herself. I knew she could make it; I just couldn't let her back away. It took a good bit of talking- things like that usually do- but eventually she said she'd do it. I knew she would. !! She got up on the rope and I prayed and prayed that she'd get across like I had promised she would...1,2,3, off she swung and SHE MADE IT! Really, that was the highlight of my day.
After that we ate lunch and voted on taking the rest of the day to do homework or to go do another obstacle. I seriously was exhausted and freezing and emotionally drained - it's a long story - and just not up to it. So everyone else went to the obstacle course and I went to the LC and had a minor meltdown. Then I pretended  hadn't, gathered my homework together and started to walk back to the Lodge.
The snow was falling and I imagine I looked quite pathetic. I was having a pretty good pity party, too. Just then Scott drove by in the blue BYUI minivan. He pulled over, gave me a look, and laughed.
“You need a ride, Meagan?”
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
I helped him unpack the groceries, put them away and he gave me a soda. We joked around and played some classic rock. Then I went upstairs and fell asleep next to the fireplace.  I love Badger Creek. And I love Scott. And I love God most of all.
And just like that life was good again. It’s amazing how God can fix things so quickly and so simply.  A friend, a smile, a little love, just ten minutes of attention and I’m okay again.
Thank you God for good friends.

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