Saturday, October 2, 2010

General Conference on a Saturday morning.

"Saturday Morning? Who do you think I am, a 7th-Day Adventist? We are Mormons!"
That was the general train of my thoughts this morning as I woke up from an uncomfortable sleep much earlier than I wanted to. I could smell the eggs cooking upstairs and which meant bad news for me, since my sisters future in-laws apparently don't know I'm allergic to the breakfast they're making. I know what is going to happen next; they'll suggest that I just have some cold cereal, which I also cannot have since I'm allergic to milk. GAH!! Not a promising beginning to a good morning. So I rolled out of bed with a pounding head, and trudged to the bathroom, looked in the mirror, and stopped.
"What are you doing, crazy?" I wondered to myself. "Remember on your mission you used to be so excited for Conference. Why are you so cranky? You love this 'churchy stuff'. And it's probably just what you need."
So I quickly showered, curled my hair and went upstairs. It was easy to find a breakfast I could stomach, and the happy attitude made me almost excited to watch Conference. David, Paige's boyfriend, was friendly and jovial, and confided to me that he happened to know a secret about Conference. He's interning for the Ensign, and he said that 5 new temples would be announced, but would not reveal where.
So we evetually all sat down and squashed together on the couch and watched as it came on.
You know, this experience happens not infrequently, but it never fails to amaze me. As I started to take notes on the various talks, I felt like they were intended just for me. I suddenly had answers to problems I've been struggling with, happiness where I had headache, and gratitude where I had grouchiness.
Gosh I love this Gospel, and how lucky I am that there are still more sessions to go.

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