Saturday, July 16, 2011

Meagan's Guide to Sunburn Treatment

Being a redhead of Scandinavian decent who grew up in the Nevada desert, I learned about sunburns early in my life. They suck, and they hurt, and they have long-term effects. My mom used to tell me, "If you get burned when you're young, you'll get skin cancer and wrinkles!" But really, what does that mean to an 8 year old? Nothing.
But to a 24 year old, it means quite a freakin' lot.
I have been burned a TON and often even after 2-3 applications of sunscreen. Apparently white-skinned blue-eyed people were meant for places more like Norway and Sweden than Nevada.
You want to know to know how to get rid of that burn ASAP? Here's my recipe; it's a good one and has gone thru a lot of perfecting.
1. As soon as you can, get into a lukewarm bath. In the bathtub seep two tea bags of mint tea and two bags of chamomile tea. If you have Aloe to spare, pour it generously into the tub. Witch hazel is also very good. Soak in that baby for a good hour. It doesn't have to be cold, but if it's too warm your burn will continue to, well, burn.
2. When you get out of the tub, pat your skin dry- DON'T rub. Mix together in you  palm equal parts of Neosporin (DO NOT skip the neosporin, this part is very inportant), Bikini Zone's Aftershave Gel (this is basicly Lidocane, a topical analgesic, which will numb your skin) and Blue Aloe Vera (The Blue kind usually has extra mosturizers, vitamins, and lidocane along with aloe), and gently rub it over your burn. Let it soak in. Occasionally this means standing naked in the bathroom while it soaks in, but your clothes will absorb the nutrients your skin really needs right now.
3. Drink as much Gatorade or Water as you can manage.
4. Now go take 2 ibprofen or 2 naxproxen sodium and go to sleep. You may want to take a sleeping pill also, depending on how badly you are burned.
5. Do this every day, applying the Gooey Poltice from step 2 whenever you need it.
6. When the burn is gone, make a habit of applying lotion that contains aloe for the next week, which will prevent peeling. You can even use aloe shaving creme. I've done that before.
7. Rejoice in the tan you have got now, and don't get burned again.

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