Sunday, July 10, 2011

Polygamy - What do you think?

Centennial Youth at a Pro-Polygamy Rally

FLDS Women in Texas

The Brown Family
A while ago my cousin Sarah introduced me to the TLC show ‘Sister Wives’. When I first watched it, it was really out of morbid curiosity; There must be some great catfights and jealousy between wives, and a frowning, domineering, Bible-thumping husband, scads of blonde illiterate children, and possibly a girl married off at 15.
I was kind of taken aback at what I saw. The Browns look like a happy, American ‘Mormon’ family. Their children are neither brainwashed nor uneducated, the wives aren’t dominated by their husband, who, to me, looks like he loves his wives sincerely.
It made me start to wonder about polygamy. The word itself is almost like profanity to my ears, and brings with it mental images of the people I saw in Colorado City a few years ago (I lived at a nearby ranch in AZ), the awful dress code and the self-righteous men who herded the women about, and worst, the women themselves, who looked at the ground when they talked to you, and all had the same, monotone, submissive voices. I realized what I hated so much about polygamy; it was always either forced, or the women were totally ignorant and brainwashed. It was a trap.
So I’ve been doing some homework and here’s my stance (so far; I’m up  for discussion and enlightenment). I don’t agree with plural marriage. I think it’s hurtful. But it’s not my place to tell other adults how they should feel.  Relationships are deeply personal, and it’s on the personal level that the rules of a relationship should be defined. The kind of relationship I want might not work for my sisters or somebody else… but if polygamy is what consenting adults want, I think that choice ought to be theirs. I’m talking about polygamy ala The Brown Family, where everyone is educated, healthy, loved and free to make their own decisions, not FLDS-Warren Jeffs crazy talk.
Also- Brown Family; I might not agree with your lifestyle, but I want to tell you that I admire you. You seem to have a happy family in what has to be a sometimes difficult situation. You ‘sisters’ seem like an unbreakable team. And going public had to be scary. But standing up for what you believe to be right is admirable. You are a credit to yours.
Warren Jeffs and his cronies- I hope you and all other rapists and bigots live through enternity in a hell of your own making.

Readers: What is your opinion on this issue? I really would like to hear some other perspectives.

1 comment:

  1. This topic is of interest:
    Well I am extremely happy LDS members no longer practice the polygamy act, since like, forever ago. It's great to hear that television has embraced all the joyful times these families have had while practicing polygamy. I am imagining myself in that position.If I were one of the wives to my husband back in the Mormon polygamy times, I may have been the least liked wife...because I would probably bicker with the others about who got to sit with husband in the wagon and whose turn it was for date night.

    After attending a luau this week I learned much about the Polynesian culture. Back in the day, the chief of the village was permitted to have as many wives as he wanted as long as he could take care of them all. He also chose his favorite wife who was blessed to sleep next to him in a separate cot on the floor. Supposedly being labeled the "Favorite Wife" was only fun until the chief died. When the chief died, the favorite wife was to die with him. So the guards killed her with a giant metal club. And they lived happily ever after in another life.
    Love Jessica
