Monday, July 18, 2011

Meagan Quirk and the Extremely Awesome Boots

Today I had to run to Buffalo to mail off a birthday package to my momma.  It is a very good present, and she will like it, but I cannot tell you what it is, peradventure she happen to read this blog and discover it prematurely!!
Well, I will tell you that it is a half hour drive into Buffalo, and I do not like to drive for half an hour to just walk into a place and then  just drive back, mostly because that is extremely lame. So I took a little stroll around Buffalo Wyoming just for kicks. And I happened to stroll into one of the many antique stores that dot that place. I walked around, looking at all the knickknacks and doodads and they were pretty cool. And then I saw the boots. Not just any boots. These were extremely awesome boots!
Most stuff in antique stores does not fit me at all, on account of folks way back when were smaller folks and I’m a average-tall girl of the nowadays.  But I tried them on just to see, and what do you know they fit PERFECT!! Well, I knew it was a sign that God wanted me to have these boots. So I bought them and they were cheap.
They are kind of crazy boots, but I love them!! They remind me of Steven Tyler.
Why? Because Steven Tyler is rockin’ it. And I am rockin’ these boots. Steven Tyler is a pretty ugly dude, let’s be honest. But does that stop him from being one SEXY dude!!?? No it does not! Instead, he takes it and rocks it! How does dude do this!? I do not know, I just know that he does.  So in honor of Steven Tyler, and in honor of being true to yourself, I am rockin’ my 60’s sweetness hippie boots, and gonna go find myself a lover at Woodstock. Hey, wasn’t Steven Tyler at Woodstock?

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