Monday, March 14, 2011

Broken Hearts and Vampires

First of all I must warn you that as I write this, I am sitting down with a warm cup of much-needed coffee. When other people get their hearts busted, they go drink booze. Coffee is my booze. 
I've been very wicked lately and have discovered the joys of 'True Blood'. For those who don't know, it's about Vampires and Louisiana. It's quite entertaining.


It's a good thing I have True Blood to occupy me, because my True Love certainly isn't. He's sick. He told me it's not serious, but I kinda hope he's just being manly because he has perfectly neglected me for the past week. My friends have started teasing me, saying that no man is going to abstain from a girl he's really into for a week because he's got a cough- unless he's got a pretty something to distract him.The thing is- teasing friends are starting to morph into concerned friends and my giggles at their comments are starting to hush.

He won't answer when I call, and he'll barely answer texts. I want to be angry, or hurt. I'd like to call up and say 'What the hell, baby?'. But I know I won't.
Somewhere between Buddha and Jesus and my own life lessons I've learned how to deal.

Buddha taught me serenity and  patience.
Jesus Christ has taught me love and longsuffering, forgiveness and truth.

 And life has taught me not to cry when people turn on me. People I love won't turn on me.
'What?', you may think. 'What? Life should have taught you quite the opposite Miss Meagan Rose.'
Let me explain. Let's say I meet someone named Tyler. As I get to know Tyler, I find him honest, kind, loyal and loving. So we fall in love and start dating. Then one day Tyler snaps and hits me and throws me into a wall. At first I know I will be upset, I'll cry and want to punch his lights out. But then I realize; the Tyler I knew would never do that. The Tyler I knew would be protective and loving. So this person I have now, is not who I loved. So why should I cry? I was hit by a stranger, not by the person I love. Just walk away, just let go, and keep on looking because somewhere out there is the person I love, he just looks different and has a different name than I thought.

"I'm sorry. I mistook you for someone else."

So it turns out Tyler was just a vampire, just a blood sucker masquerading as someone I love. That's no reason to let him turn me into his kind.

 1 Thessalonians 5:6
Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.

Funny things you can learn, and in funny places. Somewhere between Buddah, Life, the Scriptures and True Blood, I found solace.

Disclaimer: This was written quite a while ago, and saved in my drafts. True Love and I are doing great, so I wasn't going to post this, but I like the way it sounds, so up it goes. And yes, I eventually did yell at him. So much for serenity. Hopefully Buddha forgives, too.

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