Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Many Parties of Halloween

Halloween is in a few days and it's giving me cause for great excitment and also great distress.
For as long as I can remember my maternal family (the Hansens) have had a fun family Halloween Bash at Nanny's (our matriarch) house. Each year has been a little different, but has always included; The 1949 version of Disney's Legend of Sleepy Hollow (narrated by Bing Crosby!), dry ice in a cauldron of root beer (it makes a cool fog), devilled eggs, 'worms in dirt' (gummy worms in chocolate pudding and crushed Oreos), music from Disney's Haunted Mansion, and general riotous behaviour from my 40+ cousins, most still in thier trick-or-treating stages.
Well, this year Nanny has decided that, after 25 years of putting on the darn party, she's ready to call it quits. So the tradition was quickly adopted my my parents, "Uncle Robert and Aunt Nellie" to the majority of my family. This puts me in a predicatment.
See, my family and I have had a bit of a disagreement recently, and sadly we find ourselves a bit estranged while we sort out our differences. And even sadder, the nature of our disagreement makes my welcome in the house a bit worn out.
So I may or may not be able to exersize my usual duties as the 'Hallow-queen' and spook up the place.
Either way, I'll be having a pre-party from 7-10ish and then later I'll be heading to a club called Edge for 'Night of the Dead', where my friends and I will indulge in a different type of riotous behaviour.

And that will be my Halloween Night. Until the afterparty back home.
But I have fun things yet to do until then! Today Chad and I are going to pick out our costumes, and on Monday or Tuesday we'll go to the cornmaze and carve some jack'o'lanters.

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