Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Short and Shivery

When I was a little kid, I was fascinated with Halloween. The entire month of October was Halloween to me, the 31st being the crowning jewel of the festival. I could not get enough of planning for Halloween parties, reading Halloween stories... and to my delight, I discovered that not all of Halloween dies with the month's close. Scary stories were available at the Library year round! I've read a lot of  scary stuff, horror stuff, Halloween stuff, and these books are the best of their class (short story). 
I realize that saying this makes me an unrepentant nerd. 
At Paradise Ranch, part of my job is to tell scary stories on the overnight trip. I have a pretty good repetoire,  and 95% of it comes from these books. But I realized that I am going to run out sooner or later, or just get tired of telling the same story. So I had an epiphany. Why not just buy those books!? What joy filled my soul at that prospect. So I jotted off to half.com, and bought myself those darn things.

WOW!! Soon those books will be mine and I will take colored pencils and color in the illustrations just like I always wanted to.

And just to prove that there is a God and He loves me....

There's a whole new book, full of stories that I have not yet devoured. Life is good, my friends.  

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