Friday, April 1, 2011

Little Big Town

So last night my buddy Steve took me with him to a secret concert- the kind where you go and you don't know who's playing- we just knew it was a country band. Turns out it was Little Big Town, who I vaguely knew about but not really. But I'm always up for new stuff- especially new music.
It was great! Probably my favorite concert to date (not that I have that much experience...) because it wasn't huge and over the top with lights and thousands of screaming fans, it was just them, us, and the music. Isn't that how it's supposed to be? They didn't have to use fireworks to get me excited- they did that with their voices and guitars. I was sitting second row which was so cool! - being that close to the singers. So well done Little Big Town- you just earned yourselves a new fan.
Afterwards, Me'n'Steve, all hillbillied up on bluegrass, went out to the moonrocks and off-roaded in his truck (which is made of 100% Superman by the way- holy crap) and it was very good times. I LOVE ME SOME OFF-ROADING. 
Download Now: Little White Church
                          Shut up Train

BTW- That blonde chick has a CRAZY hairdo, but I kinda dig it.

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