Friday, April 15, 2011

Just me thinking out loud.

I – honestly- I feel like I should be ashamed of wanting something different, something more. What’s wrong with your world, Meagan? Your world of ponytails and strawberries is a happy one, a pretty one. Why are you looking outside the door, there’s naught out there but that’ll bite you. I can’t help but wonder.
Yesterday I rode my horse bareback around the 40. I walked him a long while, but soon I was bored, and I knew that he was bored, too. I kicked him into a trot, and then into a canter. It scared me a little- it’s hard to stay on a trotting horse without a saddle. The second time around, he knew I was going to go fast again, and he was excited. He didn’t want to canter this time- he ran. It was thrilling and frightening.  No saddle, fistfuls of mane thru my fingers, my horse running, running a little out of control. I knew I could fall to the ground with any false step, break my arm or my ribs, but that just made it so much more thrilling. The weather was stormy and the rain and wind whipped thru my hair…  I’ve been told in heaven there is no pain, no danger. But then we would never run the risk of them- in heaven there is no thrill, no adventure. What kind of a life would that be?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I have noticed

That I have a very finicky follower. It's always varying between 9 and 10, and it's always the same person who disappears and returns. How curious. I wonder why they do that.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Ashley Lebedev

I got these pics from a photographer 
I just discovered- you should check her out she's inspiring! 
Granted, of course, I am kind of a nerd and I'm in love with photography

Sexy Legs

Let’s be honest; last night my legs looked great. I was wearing a little babydoll dress (with shorts under it- just in case) and I had nylons that blended really well with my skin and three inch heels. I was HotLegs. I’m like Kloe Kardashian; not always in love with my torso, but my legs have always been there for me.
Meagan at the Oscars:
“I’d like to thank everyone who has always been there for me…*cry* my mom and my dad and my producer and my agent and my posse and my hairdresser, but most of all my legs. Sometimes they have been a little white, but they’ve always been my best asset.”
It’s better than Kim Kardashian or J.Lo, who really should get up there and thank God for another… ahem, asset, that their mammy gave ‘em.
Hot legs are nice. My legs were feeling rather liberated last night, and I honestly think it helped me to dance better; I was more aware of them or something. And they were kind of eye-magnets for some cute guys, I happened to notice. Unfortunately, they were non-discriminatory magnets; not just cute guys noticed- old guys, ugly guys, fat guys, and creeper guys did too.
Note: I have been told many times that I am too liberal in my opinion of who is good looking, so if I am saying a guy is ugly or something mean, it is the Gospel Truth, brother. But then again, I have been told I am too stingy in my opinion of who is a dang babe also. I think I group most people into a category of ‘yeah- pretty good looking’.
Legs are troublesome things. I wish my legs would discriminate. Alas…

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Don't care if you've seen this before, you need to watch it again!!!!

And while we're on the subject of dresses...

We are going to pay some homage to the most beautiful dresses ever created.

My friends, Jessica was around just a little too early, because if she was still making these babies, I would single-handedly be keeping her in business.

Yes yes, if you are a guy you may feel free to skip this blog.            

 They are so feminine! So delicate and so pretty. *sigh* ooh, look at all the pretty, girly dresses!
The sizes run infuriatingly small however, apparently everyone in the '70's was skinny as heck.

Find me a dress like that today. Yeah. That's what I thought. There are no dresses like this!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Little Big Town

So last night my buddy Steve took me with him to a secret concert- the kind where you go and you don't know who's playing- we just knew it was a country band. Turns out it was Little Big Town, who I vaguely knew about but not really. But I'm always up for new stuff- especially new music.
It was great! Probably my favorite concert to date (not that I have that much experience...) because it wasn't huge and over the top with lights and thousands of screaming fans, it was just them, us, and the music. Isn't that how it's supposed to be? They didn't have to use fireworks to get me excited- they did that with their voices and guitars. I was sitting second row which was so cool! - being that close to the singers. So well done Little Big Town- you just earned yourselves a new fan.
Afterwards, Me'n'Steve, all hillbillied up on bluegrass, went out to the moonrocks and off-roaded in his truck (which is made of 100% Superman by the way- holy crap) and it was very good times. I LOVE ME SOME OFF-ROADING. 
Download Now: Little White Church
                          Shut up Train

BTW- That blonde chick has a CRAZY hairdo, but I kinda dig it.