Monday, April 2, 2012

I need to start saying nice things.

Once again I find myself apologizing for a long absence.
This time there is a man to blame! I have been diligently trying to blog some more, but there is this hilarious & handsome Chad who just keeps on kissing me. I cannot resist a Chad.
The people at Starbucks tell me that I look exhausted. I feel pretty exhausted today as well. Work has not been very busy lately, and I cannot tell you how exhausting I find it to fake busy all day. Faking busy is awful. I must have wiped the counter clean about twenty times and dusted the windowsills the same amount. I cleaned the latte machine for an hour, and swept the floor until the broom wore clean thru. Would the general public please see fit to come eat at Dee's Bakery? I would much rather fuss over making you a perfect sandwich than fuss over imaginary lint on the pastry case.
And as I cleaned, I grouched. I was a big, fat crank. This is partly because of lovely facts of nature are imposing themselves on me very soon, and also because of faking work.
And I did not have very nice things to say. I said mean things about my cousin's spouse, mean things about Mormons and mean things about non-Mormons. I said mean things about children and dogs and people at grocery stores. All these things were said in my head, but they were all said, I promise you.
So I will repent of my evilness and say nice things.
But that Chad has arrived, and so now I have to go kiss him.
See you later. :)

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