Sunday, February 19, 2012

Trepidation in Starbucks

A long time ago I went out to lunch with Cody Peck (who used to be a good friend, and has since dropped off the face of the earth), and as we sat at the restaurant, Cody laughed quietly and directed my attention to a guy sitting across the room.
"See that guy?" he asked, taking a sip of his water.
"Yeah." I said, looking over at the guy discreetly and wondering what was funny.
"I don't," he replied.
"What??" I asked, laughing, "Yes you certainly do, you weirdo."
"I don't," he insisted, "And he doesn't see me."
"What?? What are you talking about, Cody Peck?" I was trying to laugh quietly.
Cody explained that he and this guy used to be friends until Cody broke up with the guy's sister or something and so now here they were at a restaurant, and they were playing the "Oh- I don't see you" game.
Now I really cracked up because I knew exactly the game Cody was referring to.
I had irrationally thought that the "Oh, I don't see you" game was one that only I played.

I just thought of that little incident again as I am sitting here in Starbucks and across the room from me is someone who may or may not hate me. I am not sure. This person may even like me, I really don't know. I just kinda get hate vibes.
Such trepidation.
I don't even know if we are playing the "Oh, I don't see you" game or if she genuinely does not see me. And I am too afraid to go over and say 'hello'. Besides, I don't want to be annoying. And nothing is more annoying than playing nice-nice with someone you despise (which I think is an accurate word for her feelings for me).

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