Friday, February 25, 2011


I just got accepted to Paradise Ranch in Wyoming!! This is truly one of the happiest days of my life. My dream is really really going to come true. Pinch me, is this happening? Adventure! The Wild West! Cattle Drives! Campfires! Dirt and mud and sweat and real hard work, and a starlit sky so close you could reach out and run your fingers through it like water. I have been dreaming of and for this day since I was a little girl watching the Man from Snowy River. Meagan's Vision Splendid!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Roll the Dice

I swear, life is just a roll of dice. Luck is up, then luck is down, then suddenly I'm rolling my lucky 7's again. Then sometimes in a strange twist of events, your luck is both up and down. Such a twist has currently landed me in the Reno/Tahoe Airport, waiting to hop on a plane to Salt Lake City, then rent a car to drive through Wyoming and back to my darling Nebraska.
The bad news first; the father of a family I knew in tiny O'Neill, NE has tragically killed himself, and I am going to his funeral to support and comfort his wife and three children.  I could not think of a sadder reason to go back.
But I am going back, nonetheless! I have not set foot in O'Neill for two years now, and I know I will find it quite changed. I won't recognize many of the kids I'm sure! O'Neill has a special place in my heart. And since I'll be in NE, which is not something I bank on happening very often, I'm going to see if I can jet down to Lincoln for a day, which would be awesome, but I have to be careful just because of a delicate history I have with one of that city's inhabitants.
Isn't is funny tho, that just the other day I was missing Lincoln, with no prospect of seeing it any time in the near future whatsoever, and today I am sitting and waiting for a plane, headed that way.
Keep the dice rolling! Up or down, this roller coaster is usually fun, and never a dull moment.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

You Damn Cattle Ranches Had Better Hire Me Before I Get Mad.

I'm packin up my stuff and I'm movin' out to HOLLYWOOD! Hollywood means the land of dreams. And so to many people, Hollywood means many things. Hollywood is the Wild West to me. The other day a friend told me that the Wild West had died, it wasn't around any more. Well, I just don't believe it, and I'll find it if it's out there.

I miss Lincoln

I miss Lincoln. Lincoln in the Fall when the leaves turn golden and red and fall into piles big enough to get lost in, Lincoln in the winter when the streets and trees ice over and snow drifts up to your waist, Lincoln in the spring when the wind starts to get warm and the sunshine glistened in my hair. Lincoln is like sunlight.
How things change, how things evolve.
I just got a new job. Just a job for the weekends. I sell flowers at bars and clubs around Reno. I make about $10 an hour in commissions on a good night. Most nights are pretty good nights. When I first said yes to the job, I thought I would HATE it. But it’s really not so bad. It’s actually kind of fun, to tell you the truth. I dress up really pretty and go convince guys to buy a flower from me. People are not as skeazy as I was afraid they would be, the bars are not as trashy as I thought they’d be and the sales are easier to make than I reckoned.
I’ve got bills to pay. But I don’t forget tithing, don’t you worry.
Yesterday I went riding with my mother and two of my sisters. A long, good, beautiful ride that Papa used to take with me. The weatherman said it would be sunny, the best day of the week. But it was chilly and blustery, and thick rainclouds overhead watched us on our way. Adventure weather, I called it. But it really wasn’t so bad. Not as cold as it could have been, not as windy as it looked like it’d be, and not as rainy as I reckoned. It’s adventure weather, mama.
I miss Lincoln.