Saturday, January 29, 2011

January in Mesa Arizona

Paige is having her reception in Gilbert, so we all flocked down here to par-tay. I love it here!!
First of all, I love vacation. Let's just be honest. My six thousand bickering sisters don't always add to my vacation chi, but I manage with moments like this. They are all off to lunch and so me and Megan are chillin in the room, warm from sunbathing on the pool deck and smelling sweet and summery from suntan oil and lotion. I'm wearing shorts (long, conservative shorts that will not offend my mother) and sunglasses. Tonight after the reception we will hit the hot tub, and that will be glorious. You know one thing that I love love love about Arizona? It's January, and my hair is warm. The sun is shining, not so hot as so drive me indoors, but just a gentle, happy, friendly kind of warm. I am going to BWW and get myself some boneless wings which is code for grown-up chicken nuggets. MMMMMMM!!!!! Life is good, life is beautiful, and little moments like this afternoon little bites of cream on top of my cupcake.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Moving out and moving...up?

Moving out today. Pretty much moved out as we speak, most of my stuff is at my new place. I'm excited about a lot of this, but regret is too strong for me to really enjoy this moment.
I came back to repair, and all I've done is damage.
I guess I knew all along in my heart, there is no going back. Ever. Once you leave, you're gone for good and you can never, never go back there again.

Monday, January 3, 2011

What to do what to do

I love my job as a preschool teacher. But I'm not making enough dough! Maybe the Crooked Creek Ranch in WY will hire me. Hmmmmm....

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Fighting to be happy

I woke up this morning, but didn't want to get up. I just wanted to sleep, because when I am sleeping, I am not fighting to be happy. Why should I be unhappy? My New Years Dance was a huge success, and I have a lot going for me. Why am I fighting and fighting to smile?