Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Rassmussen Plantation pt 13

Cinnamon felt sorry for having snapped at Alexandra, and was about to say so when simultaneously Tybalt arched his back and spat, and Ajax jumped off the crypt and snarled.
Cinnamon and Alexandra whipped around to see what the animals had warned of. They saw only the long branches of a weeping willow blowing lightly in the breeze, and the faint outline of the old abandoned caretaker's cabin beyond it. Cinnamon's eyebrows furrowed as she looked over the old cabin. It was half-hidden in the waving arms of the massive willow tree, with broken, vacant windows and a few loose shutters that swung loosely on their hinges. She had walked past it one day as she was gathering wood, but had never gone inside.
"What do you suppose is in there?" Cinnamon asked no one in particular, leaning down to pick up Tybalt, who's fur was still standing on end.
"Nothing," came Alexandra's reply, as hesitant and ill-concealing as Cinnamon's statements about the crypt.
"Nothing..." whispered the breeze, blowing over the plantantion grounds.
"Nothing?" Cinnamon repeated, taking a halting step towards the cabin and squeezing Tybalt a little closer to her chest, "I inherited an abandoned mansion, and expected to find nothing inside, but the rooms were still full of furniture, a feast still rotting on a banquet table. All this while, there has been no one here, but we all know that there is more here than nothing. We can all feel it! We all know it! Nothing.... There's something. And if it's not in the cabin then it's in the crypt, and I mean to find out just what is going on."
Cinnamon started walking toward the old cabin, a shovel in one hand and her pistol strapped to her thigh. Alexandra stood entirely motionless, rooted to her place with a terrified look on her face. When Cinnamon came to the front steps leading up to the cabin, she paused a moment. Tybalt struggled and squirmed away from her arms, but stayed near her left side, Ajax was at her right. Cinnamon had been this scared before, but had never felt so brave.
"If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear." Cinnamon quoted quietly to herself, alighting the first step up to the porch. The step groaned under her weight, but held her. She then took the second step with the same result. She took the third and the fourth quicker, and came to the door. Ajax sniffed around the entrance, and growled deep in his throat.
"Ajax," Cinnamon said, in an attempt to steady herself as she pulled her pistol from it's sheath and cocked it, "You are going to feel very foolish when this all turns out to be in your imagination."
Goosebumps raised on her arms as she reached for the doorknob, but the door seemed jammed. She set aside her shovel and laid both hands on the doorknob. A slight panic pulled at her to turn tail and run, but with a sudden strong, foolhardy will she pushed the door open and let it swing until it hit the wall. From within the cabin nothing stirred.
"No, no, no, no, no, no!" cried the panic inside Cinnamon's head as she quickly peered around the corner.
"Is someone there?" Cinnamon called, in a voice falsely loud, hoping that the faint tremor in her voice was apparent to only herself, "If someone is there, you have exactly five seconds to come out. I have a weapon!"
Five seconds came and went quickly. Cinnamon waited another five. And then another. Then, keeping her gun in front of her and ready to fire, she forced her terrified feet to walk. The living room was clean. It was meager, but clean. Even with broken out windows. No doubt, someone had been there.
There was a suddenly flurry of motion, and Cinnamon shot her pistol before she had a good look at her attacker. Her bullet missed it's target, and shattered the remaining panel in an unfortunate window. Cinnamon screamed and ducked, and outside Alexandra screamed, and a harrassed-looking owl flew out the front door, 'Hoooooo-oooooo'ing indignantly as it did.
Cinnamon caught her breath, tried to steady her heartbeat, and shouted, "It's alright, Alexandra! It was just a stupid owl!"
Ajax looked unimpressed, and went back onto the porch, where he sat and looked out at Alexandra, his head cocked slightly.
Cinnamon sighed and looked around her, and outside Alexandra continued to scream. Cinnamon shook her head, trying to shake out the tremors left in it by the adrenaline that still coursed thru her. As she slowly made her way to the middle of the small room, something on the table caught her eye. It was a familiar, leatherbound book. Her blood turned to ice. She opened it; it was the same photo album that Cinnamon had hidden away in the attic, dumping it into a chest and taunting Alyce as she did. She wished now that she had burned it, driven a stake through it’s hateful little heart. Dreading, she turned the page and there was Alyce, smiling her beautiful smile, watching with her beautiful eyes. Cinnamon lowered her pistol just a few inches, and shifted the book on her arm just an inch. Alexandra was still screaming outside, and Cinnamon was about to call for her to calm herself down, when a figure abruptly appeared from the dark recesses of the hallway, and she was suddenly knocked off of her feet. Before Cinnamon had a second to scream a terrible pressure snapped thru her shoulder, accompanied by a warm, wet, stickiness. Cinnamon screamed, not even seeing her attacker, just seeing the knife they wielded. She fought back, firing a shot into the midst of whom she supposed to be her attacker, just as a snarl escaped from Ajax, who reached them in less than a second, and the attacker was torn off of Cinnamon. The attackers blade caught Cinnamon's neck and chin as it passed, spilling more blood over Cinnamon and the floor. Cinnamon rolled over, scrambling to get herself back to her feet. The wound in her shoulder gushed hot, sticky blood down her chest. Cinnamon backed away, and grasped her shoulder, bloodying her hand and fingers.
A terrible, wrinkled old face leered at Cinnamon like a goblin from across the room, held at bay by a snarling black Timberwolf.
"You are not mistress of Eau d'Noir!" the old woman cried, a wild, crazy look in her eyes, "Alyce is the lady here, and always will be. You are nothing but trash, usurping little witch!"
With a strength betraying her age, the old woman threw the knife at Cinnamon. Cinnamon dodged, and instinctively fired again.
"I will kill you, old woman!" Cinnamon shouted, fear and adrenaline shaking her voice.
But she wouldn't need to. In that moment, Ajax was on the old woman. As Cinnamon screamed and tried to pull him back, he pinned the crone to the floor and ripped her throat out as the old woman gurgled and thrashed. Cinnamon stood in that same spot, her hands over her mouth and screaming uncontrollably until her voice was raw. She heard Alexandra on the lawn screaming. She heard Ajax licking his fur as her sat next to her. She even heard Tybalt’s faint meows at the door.
“He probably wants to be fed,” Cinnamon thought vaguely.
She sighed and looked down at herself, strangely calm, “Blood is so red! I mean, everyone knows that it’s red, but when you see it, it’s very shocking. Look at how red my blood is. That is so much blood. I wonder how much blood a person has. I wonder if I’ll bleed to death right here.”
Cinnamon realized that Alexandra was in front of her, talking to her, pulling at her hand and crying, but someone was still screaming. The old crone wasn’t screaming, not anymore. Cinnamon grasped that it was she, herself, who was screaming, screaming involuntarily, compulsorily, and she didn’t seem to know how to stop. Alexandra pulled at her, but Cinnamon stayed rooted in place until the sunset came, her blood first gushing, next dripping, then congealing, and drying all over her.
Cinnamon didn’t know if it was minutes later, maybe hours or even days, but she felt strong hands on her shoulders and a voice in her ears. This wasn’t Alexandra; the voice was too low and the hands too large. She perceived it was Jeremy, though she didn't see him. He shook her and called her name, until the fog left her eyes and Jeremy's face materialized before her.
"Look at how red my blood is." Cinnamon muttered, losing the strength in her legs; she would have fallen if Jeremy hadn’t caught her, "It was so fast. She attacked me and Ajax ripped her apart. The whole thing took half a minute. She attacked me. She’s dead."
"Don't talk," Jeremy said, helping her gently to the ground, "You've lost a lot of blood to that knife."
At the mention the knife Cinnamon began to scream again, seeing again in her mind the blade flash and sink into her shoulder, saw the old woman's insane eyes, those crazy eyes that glared and taunted even after the wolf had ripped her to pieces and left her all over the rug.
Jeremy firmly put his hand over her mouth. Cinnamon felt another hand on her head and realized that Alexandra was there, too.
"Cinnamon. Cinnamon. Stop it. It's all over now. You are safe. You are going to be fine," Jeremy repeated, looking strongly into Cinnamon's eyes.
Cinnamon's screams faded away.
Jeremy raised his hand, "No screaming. We need to get into the house, and quickly."
As Jeremy lifted her from the floor and carried her across the lawn, Cinnamon realized that her shoulder was bandaged, and wondered who had done it. She was vaguely aware that she was rambling, but didn't know what she was saying, or how to stop it.
Alexandra walked ahead of Jeremy as they walked toward the mansion, carrying a lamp. She opened the front door and let them in, followed by a very worried Tybalt. Jeremy paused just a moment at the door.
“Come on, get in here,” Alexandra said, and cast a furtive, fleeting glace back out at the night before firmly locking the door behind them all, and triple-checking all the locks and shutters.
Ajax was lying on the rug before the fire in the drawing room. He lifted his head as the party walked by, Cinnamon only half-seeing him and regarding him in the same way she would in a dream; nothing was real.
The fire was blazing in the Master Bedroom when they got to it, and Jeremy set Cinnamon down on top of Old Rassmussen's pillows and comforters. He checked her bandages with quick, deft fingers.
"You did well, Alexandra," he commented, leaving the injury on Cinnamon's shoulder and examining the deep cut on her chin and throat. Alexandra had sewn it shut with her mending needle and a bit of light pink thread; the closest match to Cinnamon's skin color that she could manage.
“A few centimeters and it would have caught her arteries,” Jeremy commented, “Her brachial in her shoulder, and her carotid in her neck. The old woman knew what she was doing.”
“How do you know so much? Are you a doctor?” asked Alexandra.
Jeremy chuckled deep in his throat, “No. But I know about arteries.”
“I’m so glad you came! I wanted to fetch you, but I couldn't leave Cinnamon, not like that, not after what happened…” Alexandra’s voice shook.
"I got here as soon as I could manage," Jeremy replied, "Ajax arrived on my door covered in blood. I grabbed my shotgun and ran my horse hell bent for leather to get here."
"She wouldn't move! I called her and called her, even as I stitched up her chin, she just stood there, looking into space with that vacant expression on her face," Alexandra poked at the fire, and checked the shutters in the room once again.
"She's in shock." Jeremy said, his voice ever steady and cool, "But she'll live. She frightens very easily, but there's something strong inside her, too."
"Who was that old woman?" Alexandra asked, breathlessly.
"Her name? I don't even remember it. She was one of the last servants that Old Rassmussen kept on. After he disappeared, it must have been easier to stay here than to move on. Being left alone on this plantation that long would drive anyone mad."
Alexandra cast a quick look at Jeremy, but dropped her eyes before he raised his.
"Is there anything else you should tell us, Mr. Tarleton?" Alexandra asked, her voice hinting at what she really wanted to ask.
"Not yet," he said, putting a finger under her chin and lifting her face to his, "But know this. I can protect you; you and Miss Cinnamon. But you will have to trust me. And my name is Jeremy, not Mr. Tarleton."
"You didn't protect us today," Alexandra said, doubtingly.

"Who insisted that Cinnamon take loan of that wolf that saved her precious skin today?" Jeremy’s voice was almost a snarl though on his lips was a smile, his finger still under her chin, their faces so close that they almost touched.