Saturday, November 10, 2012

Kind of Merry...

Well. Halloween is officially over and it's time to stop moping and get excited about Thanksgiving/My Birthday/the Hodgepodge of holidays that make up the Christmas season.
I'm kind of religious about the whole Christmas thing. I go crazy.
I'm Thankful...
I think that this morning was the tipping point: apparently we forgot to blow out the scented candles last night (SUPER smart, I know) so when I walked into the living room it smelled kind of like Santa's Workshop and when I peeked outside I discovered this season's first snow.
Kind of merry. I slid thru a stop sign about one block away from my house and could've merrily died right there, but thankfully I stopped before collision. Plus the other car totally saw that I was sliding and gave me that sympathetic "It happens to us all, man" look as they drove by. Butch Cassidy has a bad habit of handling poorly in the rain and snow, so you can imagine that there will be very little actual dashing thru the snow.
Oh, the good ol' days
Butch Cassidy is the name of my Jeep, for those who are wondering what the hell I'm talking about.
Lovely to meet you. Like me on Facebook!
Butch Cassidy and I are going to be taking a little trip up to Truckee on Wednesday. I am interviewing for a job up there, a Junior Wedding Planner job which would kind of be ideal. I just wish it was down the merry lane and not over the semi-frozen river and thru the icy woods.
Why are all of our jobs so far away? Sheesh! Chad works in Carson and I'll be working in Truckee!? What happened, Reno? You are THREE TIMES THE SIZE of these places, why can you not provide jobs?
Anyhow, I think I'll get a festive nail polish and paint my fingernails. We are trying to conserve moolah these days, but I think I can forgive myself a merry bottle of nail polish. I'll get the cheap kind.